Posted in Superannuation
The Top 5 Tips For Choosing Your Financial Planner
Posted by Dean McKinnon
on 14 October 2015
Choosing a Financial Planner or Financial Advisor can be a difficult process, particularly if you have never had any dealings or experience with financial issues in the past, so here are my TOP 5 TIPS for helping you choose the right financial planner for your particular needs.
1. Firstly, you need to determine if you require a Financial Planner, or a Financial Adviser.
A Financial Planner generally differs from a Financial Adviser in that a Planner provides you with a F...
Posted in:PropertyTaxSuperannuationRetirementMortgages and FinanceInvestmentInsuranceFinancial PlanningSocial Security | 0 Comments |
Top 5 Tips for Financial Planning In Your 50s
Posted by Dean McKinnon
on 7 October 2015
Uh-oh, the fun-time 40s are over, and the financial-planning 50s have begun!
It's actually not that bad. Your 50s are the time which you can use to fine tune your financial plan that will likely mean you don't have to work any longer. Financial independence is so close you can just about smell the coconut palm trees! So that's got to be good has it not?!
In your 50s, it's time to stop thinking "someday I would like to be financially independent...
It's actually not that bad. Your 50s are the time which you can use to fine tune your financial plan that will likely mean you don't have to work any longer. Financial independence is so close you can just about smell the coconut palm trees! So that's got to be good has it not?!
In your 50s, it's time to stop thinking "someday I would like to be financially independent...
Posted in:PropertyTaxSuperannuationRetirementMortgages and FinanceInvestmentInsuranceFinancial PlanningSocial Security | 0 Comments |
Top 4 Tips for Financial Planning In Your 40s
Posted by Dean McKinnon
on 25 September 2015
You are in your 40s now you have officially become the parents of your youth!
Your 40s is when the serious financial planning becomes a priority and not just something you will eventually get around to starting one day.
Whilst "retirement" was the ultimate end goal for your parents' generation, "financial independence" is now the bulls eye for which you will likely be aiming when you are in your 40s.
Gone are the days of the "week-days: ...
Whilst "retirement" was the ultimate end goal for your parents' generation, "financial independence" is now the bulls eye for which you will likely be aiming when you are in your 40s.
Gone are the days of the "week-days: ...
Posted in:PropertySuperannuationMortgages and FinanceInvestmentInsuranceFinancial Planning | 0 Comments |
5 Top Reasons Why Women Should Review Their Super
Posted by Dean McKinnon
on 16 September 2015
#everyoneneedsaplan to ensure their superannuation is working for them. Whether single or in a relationship; working full-time or part-time, now more than ever it is important that women review their superannuation requirements regularly. Women need to take control of their superannuation to ensure they are making their investments work for them as effectively as possible to ensure a financially comfortable retirement.
Here are 5 reasons Why Women Need to Review ...
Posted in:SuperannuationRetirement | 0 Comments |
Negotiating Property Purchase for Client
Posted by G. Dean McKinnon
on 12 August 2014
Today, I started the process of acting for a client for the proposed purchase of a commercial property. Following is a list of reasons why appointing an independent representative to act on your behalf, when negotiating the purchase of a property, may help you make the whole process a lot less stressful:
The independent representative usually does not have an emotional or financial stake in the transaction, which may increase your chances of achieving your budgeted purcha...
Posted in:Why Dean is a LegendTaxSuperannuationMortgages and FinanceInvestment | 0 Comments |