Posted in Superannuation
#EveryoneNeedsaPlan to Access Super Legally
Posted by G. Dean McKinnon
on 3 March 2022
There are several ways in which to access your super legally but if you access your super illegally there are significant penalties that apply.
Super investments are intended to assist with funding your retirement income needs. However, depending on the circumstances, you may be able to access your super before you retire – such as permanent disability or severe financial hardship.
It is unusual to be able to gain early access to your super if you are not retired, permanently di...
Super investments are intended to assist with funding your retirement income needs. However, depending on the circumstances, you may be able to access your super before you retire – such as permanent disability or severe financial hardship.
It is unusual to be able to gain early access to your super if you are not retired, permanently di...
Posted in:Superannuation | 0 Comments |
#EveryoneNeedsaPlan to Utilise the First Home Super Saver Scheme
Posted by G. Dean McKinnon
on 28 February 2022
It is increasingly difficult to save enough money for your first home purchase but there are some ways the government can help, such as First Home Super Saver ('FHSS') scheme.
The FHSS scheme allows you to save for your deposit within your superannuation investment account. There are several key benefits to using your super as the saving structure but the ability to withdraw personal Concessional Contributions may provide a significant tax planning advantage.
Personal Concessi...
The FHSS scheme allows you to save for your deposit within your superannuation investment account. There are several key benefits to using your super as the saving structure but the ability to withdraw personal Concessional Contributions may provide a significant tax planning advantage.
Personal Concessi...
Posted in:PropertySuperannuationMortgages and FinanceFinancial Planning | 0 Comments |
#EveryoneNeedsaPlan When Considering Crypto Investments in Their SMSF
Posted by G. Dean McKinnon
on 25 February 2022
ASIC recently published a warning about including crytocurrency ('crypto') investments in Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF).
Unlike traditional investments crypto investments are difficult to research and rate unlike commonly traded investments such as cash, property, shares. As a result, the investor is placing their investments at high risk of the return and capital invested. Further, crypto investments are generally not traded on traditional market platforms such as stoc...
Unlike traditional investments crypto investments are difficult to research and rate unlike commonly traded investments such as cash, property, shares. As a result, the investor is placing their investments at high risk of the return and capital invested. Further, crypto investments are generally not traded on traditional market platforms such as stoc...
Posted in:SuperannuationInvestment | 0 Comments |
#Everyoneneedsaplan to Maximise Super Contributions from 1 July 2020
Posted by Dean McKinnon
on 14 September 2019
If you are aged 65 to 67 you may be able to contribute an additional $200,000 to your super from 1 July 2020.
The federal government is currently in the process of making changes to super contribution laws and from 1 July 2020 the "Work Test" requirements for super contributions are likely to be amended.
Effectively this will mean from 1 July 2020 if you are aged between 65 and 66 you will be able to make voluntary contributions to your super (concessional and non-concessional...
Posted in:SuperannuationRetirementFinancial Planning | 0 Comments |
#Everyoneneedsaplan when speculating with bitcoin
Posted by G. Dean McKinnon
on 20 December 2017
What do you know about bitcoin?
Dean has a few tips to help you understand:
Bitcoin is similar to a currency (cash) and is used to pay for goods and services, usually Internet purchases;
The difference is bitcoin is not regulated by any government and therefore governments don't control the supply;
There is massive speculation that bitcoin will replace cash for purchases (specifically on the Internet) and this is fuelling the price;
Bitcoin ...
Posted in:EconomicSuperannuationInvestment | 0 Comments |